
太阳的后裔主题曲:Everything at Once

  • 主题曲:Everything at Once
  • 演唱者:尹美莱
  • 填    词:尹美莱
  • 作    曲:

  • 太阳的后裔主题曲:Everything at OnceMV
  • 歌    词:
    As sly as a fox as strong as an ox
    As fast as a hare as brave as a bear
    As free as a bird as neat as a word
    As quiet as a mouse as big as a house
    Ah …… All I wanna be
    Ah …… All I wanna be
    Ohhh ah …… All I wanna be
    Is everything
    As mean as a wolf as sharp as a tooth
    As deep as a bite as dark as the night
    As sweet as a song as right as a wrong
    As long as a road as ugly as a toad
    As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
    Strong like a family strong as I wanna be
    Bright as day as light as play
    As hard as nails as grand as a whale
    Ah…… All I wanna be
    Ohhh ah …… All I wanna be
    Ahhh ah …… All I wanna be
    Is everything
    Everything at once
    Everything at once
    Ahh everything at once
    As warm as the sun as silly as fun
    As cool as a tree as scary as the sea
    As hot as fire as cold as ice
    Sweet as sugar and everything nice
    As old as time as straight as a line
    As royal as a queen as buzzed as a bee
    Stealth as a tiger smooth as a glider
    Pure as a melody pure as I wanna be
    Ah …… All I wanna be
    Ohhh ah …… All I wanna be
    Ohhh ah ……All I wanna be
    Is everything
    Everything at once

  • 太阳的后裔插曲:Everything at Once
  • 插曲:Everything at Once
  • 演唱者:尹美莱
  • 填    词:尹美莱
  • 作    曲:

  • 太阳的后裔插曲:Everything at OnceMV
  • 歌    词:
  • 居易剧情网致力于提供最新电视剧剧情介绍 、电视剧分集剧情明星个人资料

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